Helpful Directions on How to Organize a Short Essay

A short essay may prove to be the most problematic. You may have too many points that they do not fit into the space or length provided. While you are struggling with organizing your short paper, others are half way through writing. They have identified the secret to writing a short and well organized paper. Here are the tips.

Understand the Requirements

Each assignment comes with unique requirements. The rules of organization are determined by the subject you are handling, the topic, the length, directions from your teacher and requirements by the institution, among other factors. To effectively organize your work, you must understand all these requirements.

Draw an Outline

An outline assists you in planning your work. It provides the frame upon which your short essay will be based. It is therefore an excellent tool to use in organizing your short essay. An outline should capture the three main sections of any academic paper. It should indicate how you will handle the introduction, body and conclusion of your paper.

The process of drafting an outline should be systematic to guarantee good results. Here is a guide to drafting an outline:

  1. List down all the main points without paying attention to the order.
  2. Identify the points that will be carried into the writing process. At this point, you may discover that some points can be merged while others are split. Some may be too weak and therefore be dismissed. This is a brainstorming phase and should help you confirm whether you have all the points necessary to complete the paper. It can also be the stage where you change your perspective and abandon what you had considered initially.
  3. Identify an order- depending on the strength of the points you have identified, some will appear at the top while others will be at the bottom. The position will be determined by the strength of each point. Begin with a strong point to declare your intention and finish with a strong one as well to leave a resounding impression.
  4. Begin to write your essay.

Use a Sample

Samples are excellent guides in any writing process. They give an idea of how the short essay will appear once complete. A sample that is already edited will provide excellent guidance especially if it has directions from the teacher. Sources of reliable samples include your teacher, library or from seniors in your school.

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