How to Write a Good Rough Draft for an Essay: Writing Secrets

You’ve already decided on the topic for your essay and you feel you have gathered enough ideas. You have specific facts and details you want to use, but now you are wondering how you should begin writing the rough draft. Here are some useful tips on how to write a good rough draft for an essay.

Avoid Procrastination

In many instances you may settle down at your desk to start writing but suddenly find yourself feeling a strong need to do something else. However important that thing may be, you should avoid getting involved in another activity once you get down to writing the rough draft. Although it is perfectly normal for all writers to feel anxious before they begin writing, the best approach is to start writing. You will feel more confident once you realize the fact that there is no author who ever wrote anything good on the first attempt alone.

Don’t try to be perfect

One of the most important writing secrets on how to write a good rough draft for an essay is that your first draft does not have to be perfect. In fact, it does not even have to be good since no one has to see it. Give yourself the freedom to make mistakes when writing your first draft since this is your chance to explore your ideas and thoughts without having to care about how it sounds. Avoid trying to focus on choice of words or organization since the main issue here is taking the thoughts from your head and putting them on paper or the computer screen in order to come up with something tangible to work with. Just write what you have in mind while turning each idea into a paragraph.

Spelling and Grammar

Do not worry about spellings and grammar at this stage. You can always go back and take care of that later. Avoid trying to correct misspelled words or awkward sentences and just forge ahead. You want as many words as possible at this stage since it’s easier to cut words later than to add.

Prepare a Skeleton

At this stage, you should be more concerned with getting all your thoughts or ideas out without worrying about the details or writing mechanics. This is known as creating the skeleton. Even when you are not sure about the facts, do not worry. You will have time to research on the facts later.

Save your Draft

After you finish putting down all your ideas on paper or on your computer screen, keep it in a safe place. Do not try to fix errors or change anything at this point. Give yourself time and even take a break. You can come back later with a clear mind and use the draft to organize the ideas and facts into concrete paragraphs. The trick is to use your first draft to develop an even better draft.

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